Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Selvera Weight Loss Plan: First Consultation

A unique feature of the Selvera program is that you consult one-on-one with a registered dietitian.  She is basically a coach with the education and knowledge.  One thing that really turned me off to other  similar programs in the past is that the consultant you work with may or may not have had a weight issue and may or may not (may not in my experience) have actual knowledge about food and diet needs.  I don't know that my Selvera consultant has ever had a weight issue but I do know that she has gone to school for enough years to have earned an M.S. and an R.D after her name.  That does mean something to me.  Anyway, I was in the middle of a bridal shower SAYING NO to cake but eating salsa by the spoonful (because it seemed a better choice than the cake) when Amanda called for our scheduled first appointment.  As she began going over the basics of the program with me, I discovered what will be my greatest obstacle.  She's talking and I'm turning it off thinking yeah yeah I already know all of this.  STOP!  I need to just stop with that attitude because while I might think I'm a know-it- all when it comes to diet and weight loss, it SURE HASN'T GOTTEN ME WHERE I NEED TO BE!!!  (Yes I'm shouting and for a good reason.  I need to get my own attention!) I need to trust that maybe I don't really know everything and maybe someone who has earned four capital letters after her name does.  

So I tried to humble myself and open my mind to what she was saying and I really did get a new perspective.  As part of your diet week, you are allowed 3 "discretionary" exchanges.  These are meant to cover the moments that come up in our lives that include food and for which we don't need to just watch other people have all the fun.  As I was planning the week ahead and telling her about all the special events that might be coming up,  I realized that I have way more than three - and that this week is not unique or special in my life.  Hmmm - could this be one of my healthy eating road blocks. While I was trying to figure out which life events I wanted to make discretionary eating events,  I  mentioned to Amanda that I had a teacher appreciation luncheon this week.  There was a moment of silence on the phone and then she said "Well, do you HAVE to eat the luncheon food?  Is there any reason you can't bring your own?"  It was a revelation!  No indeed I didn't HAVE to eat the luncheon food!  But then a little voice in the back of my mind said "but you want to eat the special luncheon food.  You've earned it!"  Luckily Amanda's  larger voice added "I'm not saying that you can never eat at a luncheon again, but do you really have to this time?"  And there was the ah-ha moment.  Yes, there will be lots of other special luncheon opportunities in the future right now I need to worry about dropping weight.  It is and always has been my choice what I eat.  For now I'm happy I have someone on my side helping me to make the best choice.  

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