Thursday, December 19, 2013

Cleaning Hard Water Deposits with Vinegar

Yuck!  Look at the hard water build-up on my bathroom faucet!
I wanted to see if regular white vinegar was really powerful enough to tackle a  heavy hard water deposit that had settled on my bathroom faucet. I know, I know….if I had been a better housekeeper (don't you hate that word) to begin with, it never would have gotten to this point.  Okay.  Moving on!

I poured some vinegar in a baggie and attached it to the faucet with a rubber band.

Look carefully and you can see the bubbles as the vinegar is working.

The next day (about 16 hours later) the vinegar had worked it's magic!  EWE! Look, you can see the hard water deposits at the bottom of the baggie!

I took off the baggie, wiped it clean and BEAUTIFUL!!!

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