Saturday, December 28, 2013

FREE Rachel Ray Dinnerware at Albertson's

I have to admit, I'm a sucker for free stuff…or "free" stuff.  If you are of a certain age you will remember the Brady Bunch episode in which they family had diligently saved green  stamps from the Grocery store and finally had enough for…a sewing machine for the girls…or a rowboat for the guys.  They solved it with a house of cards stacking game and as I recall, it was the dog who knocked over the cards.  I think the dog was a boy so it was decided that the GIRLS won!
 Yay girls!  But in typical Brady Bunch fashion -where every show has a happy ending for all- the girls generously brought home a television set that they could all enjoy (cue the music, wise words from dad, and smiling head tilt from mom).   But really one of my favorite episodes ever!  The idea of getting "stuff" for a few measly green stamps.
I have always tried to take advantage of the freebies: movie tickets, free samples in the mail, fast food games, etc.  Imagine my excitement when I found out about Albertson's Rachel Ray  FREE Dinnerware.  And all for collecting a few measly stamps!  Please understand, it's not like I needed another set of dinnerware.  With over 30 years living an adult life I have managed to accumulate several (many several) sets of dinnerware.  But IT WAS RACHEL RAY!  and IT WAS FREE! and I HAD TO HAVE THEM!  So yes, Albertson's was the real winner here.  They indeed bought my loyalty when I switched almost exclusively to their store just so that I could collect the stamps.  At the end I had enough for seventeen pieces of dinnerware.  Let's see now, twenty stamps could get you 1 piece and each stamp  was earned for $10 spent.  If I'm doing the math correctly, that means that every piece was earned by spending $200…so 200 x 17= 3400…that means that I spent $3,400.00  for free dinnerware!
They're preeeety though aren't they!  

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